
You Are A Chosen Remnant

For those who have been following me on my Prayer Revolution site, it is with pleasure that I welcome you to A Chosen Remnant !

As you may have read on my other site, I have had that impression from God to write for a really long time ; and for a while, I ignored the nudging.Why did I ignore it ? Why do many of us ignore the call of God on our lives ? Let's see if any of these sound familiar.

  • I am too busy.
  • I am married and have too many kids.
  • My job will not allow me.
  • I don't think I am special enough to be called by God.
  • I am not like those pastors with mega-ministries I see on TV.
  • People who work for God make no money.
  • Nobody will listen to me.(This has always been one of my major excuses)

Are any of these answers legit ? Of course they are ! I am not disputing the fact that raising kids is hard. Actually, when I was growing up there were seven kids in my house and all of us were teenagers around the same time and so you can imagine the fun my mum had ! I do not question the "busyness" of life. However, I do have one question for you: one day, when your days are over and you meet Jesus and He asks you why you did not heed His call, which of these excuses (not to mention the countless other excuses you are giving yourself even as you read this blog !) do you think will be good enough ?

I considered my life in the light of eternity and I realized that none of these answers would be a good enough excuse for why I would not heed God's call on my life.

While some individuals may have a dramatic experience where they receive a specific call from God, many of us will not ! A majority of us will only receive what I am describing here as an impression or a "nudging". Just think about it: what is it that you have had a strong desire to do for God ? Maybe, you've had the urge to lead a Bible study or you've had the urge to pray for somebody or probably you've always imagined yourself preaching to teens. No matter who you are and regardless of what your past looks like, as long as you are born again, God has placed a calling on your life. God has placed a desire in your heart for Him and it is time for you to pursue that desire.

The Bible says that God chose you in Him before the foundation of the earth(Ephesians 1:4). The Bible also says that He has fore-ordained you to perform good works (Ephesians 2:10). Think about it: before you ever existed, God chose YOU for specific good works and the scary thing is that if you you do not do them,they may never get done. And in that case, what answer are you really going to give God to account for the souls that will spend an eternity without Christ ?

Beloved, it is time to stop playing church.We've done that for centuries and now some church buildings have been reduced to tourist attractions. It is enough. It is time to realize that we are the Chosen Remnant and that God has work for us to complete in the earth.


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