
I'm tired of doing the RIGHT thing !

So, if you are a sanctimonious saint, maybe you've never felt this way and so this blog post is definitely NOT for you ! However if you are like me who has felt more than once on giving up on doing what is right and pleasing before God, then please, stay and enjoy.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. - Galatians 6:9
Why would the Bible say not to "be weary in well doing" ? You got it. Because "well doing" or in our modern lingo , doing the right thing or living a life that is pleasing to God is not easy.

It's not easy to keep forgiving everyone who steps on your toes.

It's not easy to sacrifice your sleep just so you can wake up and spend a few hours praying.

It's not easy to decide to stay away from sex until you are married.

It's not easy to let go when the people you love disappoint you.

It's not easy to be the mom who will not allow her kids to watch everything on TV or  play all the newest video games.

It's not easy to be the wife who submits to her husband although the culture frowns on the very word "submit" (oh this is a whole 'nother sermon !! ).

It's not easy to be the one who tells the truth, even when everyone else agrees that a "white lie never did any harm".

It's not easy to be the one in church (YES IN CHURCH !) who does not gossip about others.

Doing the right thing is not and NEVER will be easy.  And it's not the "popular" thing to do either !

In my lifetime, I have been called all sorts of names because I wanted to do what was right before God and not what everyone was doing for the sake of "well, everyone's doing it". Has it been painful ? You bet. Have I failed on many occasions to do the right thing ? Miserably.

Pleasing God will NEVER BE EASY. I promise that you will cry sometimes. However there is one thing I do my best never to lose sight of and it is this : when my race in this life is over and I finally leave this earth, I want Jesus to look at me, smile, give me a hug and tell me "You did well, Gertrude. You did well."

That is all I live for.

My encouragement to you today : never get tired of doing the right thing. It is worth it !

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Anonymous said...

You are so right! Doing the right thing can be quite tiresome. But doing the wrong thing will wear you out even more. I opt for the right thing, the good choice.....one day at a time. I love your honesty. Glad I stopped by.

Gertrude N said...

Hi V, indeed we can depend on God one day at a time. Thank you for stopping by. God bless you !

Aisha @ Gracefully Empowered said...

Yes!!! doing the right thing can be weary especially in this world - but it is so worth it. I think people forget that just because we are living for God doesn't mean that we don't get tired, it just means we know where to go for strength. Great post.

LaNesha Tabb said...

totally agree. your blog is a blessing. new follower! thanks for the encouragement!

Anonymous said...

Also, we shouldn't do the right thing to impress others, but to please God and ourselves. Doing right thing may be hard to do at that moment, but you'll look back and be grateful you did. Doing the right thing brings you closer to God. Do the right thing, because It's the right thing to do according to the will of God.

I pray that, you'll have no reason to give up doing the right thing. God is your strength.

Thanks for sharing! :)

Lisa Lewis Koster said...

Wonderful post! I'm right with you on everything you said. When we look around we might think we're doing pretty good, but when we compare our actions with God's Word...well, not so much. I'm a new follower! I'd love you to come and follow me at True Hope and a Future!

Piper said...

Hopping from Titus 2sday.... the title of this post grabbed my attention... I just wrote a post on this very verse! Talk about confirmation in my choice!! http://mercysavedme.blogspot.com/2013/01/2013-siesta-scripture-memory-team-verse_15.html

Cara said...

Great post and an encouragement. Sometimes it seems even though I am in a Godly church you can make decisions that get you labeled too strict or other such things. It is hard. I have for sure been tempted to just say NEVERMIND.. living as the world would be so much easier. However I guess that is where faith comes in. I have hope that the Bible is true and that the Lord is returning. I want to be ready.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Post! Thanks for linking up <3

Unknown said...

Hi Gertrude
You nailed the truth, girl!!! I am sooo glad I visited your blog from Mindy's linky place. Yes, dear one, only as we live in Him will we ever be able to receive His grace to obey Him and that might not always be the popular thing to do!
Bless you, dear one

Anonymous said...

Let the church say, "Amen"!

Katherines Corner said...

you did well, you do well, you are loved xo P.S. thank you for sharing at the hop

Unknown said...

Amen and Amen! so very true!
Keep up the God work.

Gertrude N said...

Amen ! LOL. Thanks for stopping by.

Gertrude N said...

God bless you Mia. Yes indeed. I can't stop now. Let's keep encouraging each other. God bless you and thanks for stopping by !

Unknown said...

OMGoodness!!! You are like the best friend I never had. Or maybe like a sister. Not only was this post encouraging but I could totally relate. And everyday I must remember that the race is not given to the swift nor the strong but to those of us who endure! And that is exciting news! Thank you so much for sharing. I found you through the thursday bloghop, i'll be following along with you and so looking forward to what you have to say!


Interior Design Qualifications said...

totally agree. your blog is a blessing. new follower! thanks for the encouragement!