
My name is Gertrude Nonterah. I am an author of two books; Reign in Life, a book that was birthed out of a difficult season in my life and the lessons the Lord taught  me in that season. My other book is Falling in Love with Jesus, a 60-day devotional for young people.

This is my personal blog where I write posts focus on prayer, children's ministry, church life and personal growth. It's my prayer that as you read this blog, you will be entertained, encouraged and challenged to live your best for Jesus Christ.

Top 10 Posts On A Chosen Remnant 

  1. Have you truly forgiven? 4 ways to know if you have. 
  2. I'm tired of doing the right thing !
  3. Stop Throwing Yourself Pity Parties
  4. Living Free of the Need to Impress People
  5. Living the Shame-Free Life
  6. Spiritual Superiority Complex
  7. Washing Each Other's Feet - What EXACTLY does that mean ? 
  8. Taking Off the Mask
  9. 10 Lessons God Taught Me this Year
  10. Radically Different : Praying Like We Mean It

Short Bio
I got born again when I was 8 years old and have never looked back since. I was born and grew up in the West African country of Ghana. I moved to the US in 2003 to go to college and I am currently finishing up a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology.

I'm married to Fred (that's us dancing on our wedding day) and we have a son called Caleb. I call them my "two boys" and I am continually thanking God for them. Growing up I knew God had a special call on my life but I never knew what ; I just loved to read the Bible and prayer time was a treat for me. I've been like that as long as I can remember.

As you read this blog, I pray you and everything that concerns you will be blessed. 

What I believe
  • I believe in God the Father Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
  • I believe in God the Son: Jesus Christ who was crucified on the cross, was raised on the third day, ascended into Heaven and who is seated at the right hand of God the Father. I believe He will come back again to judge the living and the dead. I believe that believing,accepting and confessing your faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven.
  • I believe in the Holy Spirit and His Work on the earth. I believe the Holy Spirit is a Comforter, a Teacher and a Revealer. 
  • I believe that the Bible is the true and infallible Word of God written by men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit. I believe in the authority and power that lie in the Word of God.
  • I believe in the communion and unity of believers in Jesus Christ and that each individual is commissioned as a special part of the Body of Christ.
You can follow A Chosen Remnant on Facebook, Twitter or you can follow me personally on Google + (Gertrude Nonterah). 


Vicky Hunt said...

Nice to meet you Gertrude! I found your site on Missional Women and read a couple of your blogs. You have a ministry to the hurting. Thanks for being open and sharing the love of God! I followed you on Twitter & Facebook, and tweeted out a link. Keep writing!

Mz E said...

hello mz Gertrude i'm edlicia and i was really glad to stumble upon your blog from another blogger. i love to follow blogs who are servants(slaves) to Christ Jesus. I love the faith you have in Him and we need Christ more in our lives on a daily! i am new to your blog but i plan to stay an avid reader. God Bless and many blessings to you and your family.
Mz E.


Unknown said...

Hi Gertrude,

I recently was nominated for the Liebster Award & have nominated your blog as well. You may visit me @ http://www.writingmydreams.com/ to find out more about it if you choose to accept the nomination.