
Living the Shame-Free Life

For A Chosen Remnant readers who are not aware, I am a new mama ! On Saturday, my Caleb will be a month old ! Praise the Lord ! Here's a picture of my little man. I am so proud of him. His daddy took this picture sometime this past weekend when he was sleeping. He can be an addiction, I tell ya !

Anyway, I have been meaning to write this blog post after reading Psalm 22 sometime in the last few days. I was especially touched by verses 6 to 8 because almost at every stage of my life, I have felt or been told I am foolish for simply trusting my life into God's hands and allowing Him to direct it. Have I taken my own steps apart from God and messed up royally ? You bet ! And that's exactly why I choose to trust in the Lord. The Lord God has a better perspective than I do. He knows tomorrow from today. He lives in the present and in the future and it is simply a foolish move not to trust in Him. And yet there are times when I have experienced the sentiment shared by the Psalmist in Psalm 22:6-8 :

But I am a worm and not a man.

    I am scorned and despised by all!

Everyone who sees me mocks me.

    They sneer and shake their heads, saying,

“Is this the one who relies on the Lord?
    Then let the Lord save him!
If the Lord loves him so much,
    let the Lord rescue him!” 

Have you been there ? You know, in that place where like the Psalmist, everyone mocks and sneers about you following the will of the Lord instead of taking the obvious and most traveled path ? You are not alone. I've experienced it. Thousands of Christians who have sought to follow the Lord fully have experienced that and above all, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ experienced it. 

So you are not wierd like everyone says (okay, I don't know about you but everyone had some kind of weirdness about them) ! If you are really following the Lord, this is normal. So what do you do with this information ? Well, you accept that being weird and all the other names people call you is OKAY. And second of all, you can rest assured that if you are sincerely following the Lord, you will not be put to shame. Keep trusting. Keep waiting even when it seems hard and keep this verse in mind : 

But wisdom is justified of all her children - Luke 7:35

and this one I discovered when I was about 15 years old, 

As the Scriptures tell us, “Anyone who trusts in him will never be disgraced. - Romans 10:11

The Lord says to keep trusting Him ! So keep at it !

You are loved relentlessly by a powerful Savior! Have a beautiful day.


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