
The Truth of A Spiritual Battle

Whether you would like to believe it or not, every Christian is engaged in a spiritual battle. This is the truth and the Bible declares it (Ephesians 6:10-18). Satan is the enemy of our souls and you and I are engaged in a real battle with him and his fallen angels.
We are soldiers enlisted in the Army of the Most High God with Jesus Christ as our Commander-in-Chief. There is an armor that goes with this battle that we are involved in and every Christian is supposed to take up that armor in order to be in a constant state of preparation. Will you join me this week as we study this armor together ?


charis said...

visiting from ann's link up - i am the link next to yours. sounds like you are about to do a great study! bless you!

my recent post: dear me at 15...

Gertrude N said...

Hi Charis ! Thanks for stopping by for a visit. The Bible is amazing and we are always in for a pleasant surprise as to what God will teach us. Let's learn together. Blessings !