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There are days when I have actually stopped short of saying "Lord, I know You said we should love our enemies and all but this person takes the title for 'person I wish I never knew' and I would officially like permission to express my , um, dislike ".
But the Word of God gives us no wiggle room on that one :
But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. - Matthew 5:44-45
Me : Lord, so you are telling me there is no way I can hate this person right now ?
God : No.
Me : Why not (in my whiny child-like voice almost throwing a tantrum) ? They deserve it !
God : Because while you were yet still a sinner I loved you and sent my Son to die for you. You deserved death too but I spared you.
Me: (Looking down ashamed). Oh. I forgot about that Lord. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me ?
God : (I imagine God with a beautiful smile) Of course my daughter I forgive you ! Now go and do what I just did for you to the person that hurt you.
Can I see by a show of hands how many of us go through this conversation in our heads at least once a day ?
Radically different Christians don't have God's permission to be rotten or to seek revenge or to even despise people who hurt us. God's Word is clear on that. We are called to love as unconditionally as our Father. Sounds like a tall order , right ? God always has His bases covered and so He gave us the Holy Spirit who helps us in our weakness (Romans 8:26). I told you, there is NO WIGGLE ROOM !
You are loved today and always,
Gertrude .
Today I am linking up with the following blogs : 
I need to be reminded of this every now and again... it have yet to stay on within me.
Yes, I also struggle with certain people at times, and it is so against our fallen human nature to love when we want to hate. I'm sure most of us have these conversations with God. Unfortunately, we don't always listen and obey! Thanks for sharing your insights.
Ha ! I need to be reminded EVERYDAY. Thanks for your comment :)
Indeed Gail ! Thanks for stopping by today. Have a beautiful day.
We thank God for His mercy on us!!!
There is absolutely no wiggle room, I thank God for the Holy Spirit because without Him forgiving the littlest of sins will not be easy for me.
Thanks for the brutally honest article! (If i tried to say i never felt that way, i'd SOOO be lying, lol!) I have been struggling with this issue a lot lately. Thanks for putting the perspective back where it needs to be--firmly placed in God's Word!
i love this post!
and that is what I love most about the good Lord...He can handle the truth we share with Him!
I like your new blog design! Pretty and Professional!
Thanks Tonya. You've been here since the beginning so you know how "hideous" the blog used to look before ! Thanks for the encouragement. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Have a beautiful Wednesday !
My thoughts exactly! Thank you for the reminder to love our enemies! It's never easy, but it's always worth it. Blessings!
Wonderful reminder! Especially as I head into holiday with the outlaws! ;0)
Hi Gertrude, can I just say "ouch" man, no wriggle room indeed. Thank you for linking this post up on Winsome Wednesday. I know i needed to read it.
God bless
Girl seriously, I LOVE you so much! Your heart is amazing!!!
Haha Kelly ! I love you too Sister. :D
God bless you Kimmi ! Let's continue to encourage each other.
Well, I sure needed this! Could have used this the week of the election:) Thanks for sharing! Have a super blessed day!
I have had that conversation with myself a few times too. Okay, more than a few. ahhaa. I have had the argument... "But they deserve..." And God whispers, "what did I do for you when you deserved...?" *Perspective*
what a great post, and so honestly written and so very likely to resonate with so very many. thank you.
Following ya now from the Friday hop. It's so sweet to meet ya. I'd love for you to join me for the ride at Local Sugar Hawaii . We're riding the wave of life one teensy adventure at a time, come join us and if you'd like join us for An Aloha Affair-- our sweet gathering and mingling and... growing together. You're welcome anytime.
Sometimes God just has a way of teaching you through others. Thank you for the reminder and for sharing at WJIM. Have a blessed week Gertrude.
Thanks for posting such a wonderful post and its really worth reading…
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