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Happy New Year Everyone !
I am simply grateful to be alive and well and strong and I am believing God for an excellent 2013. I've declared that this is my year of getting closer in my walk with Jesus !
This afternoon I was just thinking about how disappointment is a fact of life. No matter who you are, at one point or another we've all been disappointed by someone. And it appears to me that those experiences are especially painful when the offending party is a close loved one.
One of the lessons I am learning early in 2013 is how to never be shocked at disappointment. No. I don't intend on going around being all cynical with a "nobody-loves-me" kind of mentality. However, as I am maturing in my walk with Jesus, I'm realizing that expecting no-one to offend me or disappointment is about as realistic as pigs flying (although I did see that GEICO ad with a pig on a plane. So hey !) .
So what's the key to not being shocked ? Numbers 23:19, watch what the Word says :
God is not a man, that he should lie
nor a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act ?
Does he promise and not fulfill?
Let's dissect shall we ?
God is not a man. BAM ! God is not a man ! Why is this significant ? BECAUSE MEN LIE ! Men here refers to both sexes in case you are trying to push this whole thing on men. "Lie" here refers to every kind of disappointment. In other words, unless you are God, you, my friend have the tendency to disappoint EVERYONE around you.
I have the tendency to disappointment. I accept this about myself and by so doing I am able to make excuses and ultimately forgive the people in my life who disappoint me.
May I venture another proposition here ? I may be stepping on some toes here but this needs to be said. The reason we all get disappointed in our lives and allow that disappointment (which will eventually grow into bitterness when it is not dealt with) to control us is because we are looking for fulfillment in the wrong places. When we put the responsibility of being fulfilled on a husband, wife, friend, sister or brother, we are asking for the impossible and this is what makes disappointment so painful.
Once I accepted that no one person on this earth can fully satisfy my needs and that as a Christian, all my needs are met in Jesus Christ ; the One who actually knows my needs ; it set me free. Oh yeah, from time to time, I still struggle with hurt. But this profound truth that Jesus is the ONLY One who can truly satisfy me, gives me the strength to let go and move on.
You will be disappointed. Accept it. The ones you love will disappoint you the most. Accept that too. This does not make them evil. It makes them human. JUST LIKE YOU.
We totally deserve disappointment, it is God's grace that we get anything other than that. Thank you for your words and your truth!
You are great with words and you share the truth with the power of the Lord. I am blessed by the truth here, and it reminds me that disappointment is part of being sanctified, which is the will of God! Good food for thought...excellent post!
So true that "that those experiences are especially painful when the offending party is a close loved one" and that's probably because "we put the responsibility of being fulfilled on" them more than anybody else. We somehow expect, though lots of people "out there" will fail us, our "own" won't! But, so true: there's only One who never will fail us. Thanks for this wise post.
And oh, btw, "closer" is my "one word" I'm carrying over from last year because of my continuing aim that's identical to yours!
Disappiontment sucks but sometimes it's put there to give us another new beginning we never considered. God bless you! Always love reading your blog!
I hope you're having a great week and a Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for linking up to last week's Aloha Friday Blog Hop!! I'm following you.
If you have time, we'd love to have you come and link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop if you haven't already! (Thank you so very much if you've already linked up, I truly appreciate it!!)
Come and link up and celebrate the coming weekend with us!
Jean {What Jean Likes}
Yes oh I am also learning this very fact as well. I hurt people, so if I want people to forgive me when I hurt them I have to be willing to forgive others as well. It is also important to forgive people easily. It stops us from moving forward. As a matter of fact it blinds us and our eyes can't be open until we totally surrender to God and forgive. And I want my eyes to be open because I have purpose to be fulfilled and I don't have time to waste.
Great post, wonderful truth. I like to keep my "kingdom eyes" on. When I look at Jesus, things in this world don't bother me as much :)
Praise God.
Amen !
So true. Somewhere along the way, we Christians have gotten off track and starting thinking Christianity is about an easy life. Instead it's about a purposeful life with Christ always present in disappointment and victory. Thanks for sharing.
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