During our prayer meeting last night, one of my sisters in the Lord shared a Scripture that really convicted me. It was from Colossians 4:12 and it says :
To be honest, I could not answer that question boldly. Because yes, while I sporadically pray for my pastor and the leaders of my church, I hardly pray that other believers would be strengthened in the faith. Instead, I find myself more often than not practicing what I will call "spiritual superiority complex". What's that ? That is when I see that people do not show up for a couple church meetings and I begin to say to myself (unfortunately, with an air of pride) : "Well we all have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling and if so-and-so could not make time to come to church then I don't think they take serving God seriously enough." And while I chastise and judge them in my heart, I pat myself on the back for being such a "faithful Christian".
But where is my faithfulness to God and to His desire to see EVERYONE saved when I cannot even be concerned about my brother or sister who is not doing so well in the Lord ? I was ashamed of myself but at the same time, I thank God for bringing this powerful truth and the sin of my own heart to my attention.
I pray that as you read this, you too will be moved to pray for other believers to stand perfect and complete in the will of God instead of scoffing and practicing a spiritual superiority complex.
Be blessed today and always.
For more fellowship, join me on Facebook !
Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.Epaphras was a normal saint like you and I who was described by Paul as "always labouring fervently" for other Christians in his prayers. And these were not just any prayers. He was praying that the Colossian believers would stand perfect and complete in the will of God. He was praying that these believers would be established in their faith. I asked myself " do I spend time praying for other Christians ? Do I even pray enough for the people in my church ?"
To be honest, I could not answer that question boldly. Because yes, while I sporadically pray for my pastor and the leaders of my church, I hardly pray that other believers would be strengthened in the faith. Instead, I find myself more often than not practicing what I will call "spiritual superiority complex". What's that ? That is when I see that people do not show up for a couple church meetings and I begin to say to myself (unfortunately, with an air of pride) : "Well we all have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling and if so-and-so could not make time to come to church then I don't think they take serving God seriously enough." And while I chastise and judge them in my heart, I pat myself on the back for being such a "faithful Christian".
But where is my faithfulness to God and to His desire to see EVERYONE saved when I cannot even be concerned about my brother or sister who is not doing so well in the Lord ? I was ashamed of myself but at the same time, I thank God for bringing this powerful truth and the sin of my own heart to my attention.
I pray that as you read this, you too will be moved to pray for other believers to stand perfect and complete in the will of God instead of scoffing and practicing a spiritual superiority complex.
Be blessed today and always.
For more fellowship, join me on Facebook !
Thank you for this. I used to work for a church but since leaving I've realised that I used to have a bit of a spiritual superiority complex too. Now I'm on the other side and not on the church leadership it's made me realise that not everyone is in the church bubble and they can't attend every meeting! It's been a great lesson to learn.
You are so right, Gertrude! Thank you for being honest and sharing what is a quite convicting post. Blessings to you!
I can so relate to this "spiritual superiority complex." Thanks God for using you to bring it to light! We just have to pray to God, to empower us, to continue to encourage and uplift the body of Christ! :)
Amen - stay blessed sis!
I was struggling with this just yesterday. And I think we all do. What an important reminder to us to remain humble and pray for their growth. When we do that, we're reminded of those areas where WE need to grow as well -- and it keeps us humble. I love this post and I love the heart it was written from!
Love how the Word of God gently convicts. You have a beautiful heart, dear. :) Joining you in praying for faith to be strengthened, hearts to beat in line with Christ, and humility to be our default mode. Huge hugs sister!
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