It's hot this summer. I am from Ghana in West Africa and I don't think I ever, ever got this hot. I am not even joking. I mean, it was hot but you always had a breeze and it was never this humid !! So naturally, I cannot wait for Fall to come along so I can enjoy some cooler weather. It was also hot last summer and the summer before that and I said the same thing but I lived through it and survived right ? Right ! It's powerful how God can teach us lessons from the most mundane things.
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You know how we are always looking for a "better season" or a time when things will get "better" ? This year, one of my greatest lessons has been a lesson in contentment and being joyful and thankful for the season I am currently in. Every season of life presents its challenges and there is never a moment of time when you are not going through some challenge or other as a Christian. However, your ability to live joyfully, thankfully and by faith is what distinguishes you as a strong man or woman of God and will even determine to what kind of heights you can go in every arena of life.
If you are single : I know single-hood can be hard especially when everyone around you is getting hitched and having kids. But I say to you oh single one : enjoy your singlehood ! Study the Word. Throw yourself into personal prayer and really learn to walk a daily walk with Jesus. Get involved in the ministry as God has gifted you and focus on simply enjoying the sweet blessings God brings your way. A time is coming you cannot do half the things you are doing now not because marriage is a drag but because you may not simply have the time.
If you are married : Enjoy your marriage ! Stop comparing someone's "perfect" marriage to yours and be thankful for the person you have. The grass always looks greener in the neighbor's yard but guess what ? Their grass could be fake ! Or maybe, they have taken the time to care for that grass in ways many people do not. Take care of your spouse and enjoy your marriage.
Are your kids grown up and out of the house ? : WOOHOO ! Time for you to delve deeper into the things of God. Study the Word. Become a prayer addict.
Struggling financially ? : It is not the end of the world. One of the Lord's Names is "Jehovah Jireh" which means the Lord who provides. God is your Provider. Believe it fully. List Scriptures that talk about God's provision and speak it over your life daily. Tithe even when it does not seem to make sense (I find this to be a powerful secret to doing well financially). Plan and budget and cut spending to only what you need. You will not know how you survived but trust me, God will work miracles that will totally make you go "Whoa, Lord ! That could not have happened without You." I have several testimonies like this and so I know what I am talking about. If God was incapable of meeting all your needs, Philippians 4:19 and other like Scriptures would not exist.
The bottom-line : every season of life comes with its own challenges. If you focus on the challenges, you will always think your life is difficult when in fact it isn't !
The Apostle Paul writing to Christians in an age when Christians were severely persecuted wrote in Philippians 4:4 :
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
Infectious rejoicing always ! What a rich kind of life ! Don't you want to live such a life ?
Thanks for the inspiring words Gertrude. I found what you said about single-hood to be so true. The story about King David staying at home when he should have been at war ministered to me a lot when I was single. Because he stayed at home he fell into adultery and murdered someone's husband. In the same way as a single person if you stay idle you're more likely to fall into temptation.
I loved this post!! Thank you so much for sharing it. It is so rich in encouragement for me today!!
I found your blog over at The Modest Mom :-)
What great advice, from this hot summer parallel! I think it's just the advice I need most to hear right now, too! Thanks much! So glad I landed next to you at Play Dates today!
I also recently discovered that every blessing comes with a sacrifice and it's God's way to see if you trust in him or in the blessing. When God blesses you with a child, you have less time for many things including the things of God because they demand a lot of time to care for but Bible says blessed is the man whose quiver is filled with them. When you are married bible says you are blessed and obtain favor from God but now there are a lot of challenges to marriage (a LOT) so God can see what truly lies in your heart. Getting a job is a blessing but it comes with less time for other things including God. Will we allow God's blessings to define us or we will see that there is a challenge to what you are asking God for and knowing it ahead of time you can always show God we are for real with him. Indeed every season has its challenges. God bless
Oh yes, I want to live the rich life...His LIFE, which has it's seasons (Eccl. 3) :)
I needed to read this. The past few years for me have been very difficult seasons. I struggled a lot, but the realized it is JUST a season, and God is in control. Not to mention sometime the season your in has more blessings than you realize as you are so busy looking ahead. This post was a great reminder of that!
Monica @
Great word my friend! Yes, we all have different seasons at different times and they all come with some type of challenge...but thank God He graces us for every season in our lives! Thanks again for reminding us that we should REJOICE in the Lord ALWAYS!! Have a blessed week Gertrude!
Sydney, I am enjoying your presence on the blog. LOL. Hope your day was great ! Powerful Scripture too. Have a beautiful week. :D
Hi Monica, we all need this reminder from time to time. I've been through all kinds of seasons ! But I remember lying in my bed one day and receiving what I am will call an "impression" that all I was going through would one day strengthen someone else going through a similar season. Perseverance is the word my sister ! And yes, sometimes we look so far ahead that we miss the blessings God has placed RIGHT IN FRONT OF US !
Thanks for stopping by and God bless you :D
Hmm Titus, I liked your first sentence right there "'s God's way to see if you trust in him or in the blessing." Wow ! May we all be delivered from trusting in the blessings too much OR focussing on the challenges so much that we miss Him entirely, in Jesus Name.
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