
Inheriting the promises

That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. - Hebrews 6:12
I was reading the account of Samuel anointing David (1 Samuel 16) this morning. God is amazing in the things He teaches us and I thank Him for helping me glean an important message during quiet time this morning.
David was anointed to be king in Saul's stead. It was inevitable. God had chosen him to become king out of millions of Israelites and out of his 7 older and much more handsome and able brothers. Yet, David did not pass up the opportunity to become a servant in the king's palace.When you follow David's story, you will realize that it took several years from when God had Samuel anoint him as king to the time of the actual fulfilment of that promise.
When God anoints us for a particular service and gives us a specific promise, it almost always does not come to pass immediately. When I read the Bible, I see that most of the men or women used by God had to go through a time of testing; a time of wilderness where they got prepared to take a hold of the promise God had given them. I believe that every promise God has made to me will come to pass. I just need to be patient, have faith and wait for it.
If God has promised you something or if you have had a dream of what God will use you for and it has not come to pass yet, do not lose heart ! Those who inherited the promises of God, did so through faith and patience.

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