
The Unchanging Refuge - A Study on Psalm 91

I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge...- Psalm 91:2

I was a young child living in Ghana in West Africa when the war in Liberia broke out. I know people personally who escaped the war. Many horrible stories came out of that war and we keep hearing more everyday. Many Liberian refugees ended up moving to Ghana to live in refugee camps. Some of these people had been successful doctors, lawyers, university professors amongst other professions. The horrors of war had driven them to take refuge in the land they did not know. I cannot imagine what that would do to a person's psyche.

Liberia had once been a safe, peaceful and successful haven. But in that moment of time, everything had changed.

Unlike my story, the refuge that God provides is not changed by the state of the world's affairs. The refuge that is in God cannot be changed by the will of any man. The refuge of God is always safe and unlike human refugee settlements, there is never a "No Vacancy" sign.

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