This is just me rambling. Nothing coherent but I pray it blesses someone.
What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer
Oh what peace we often forfeit
Oh what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer
I went to a Methodist all girls boarding school (most high schools in Ghana are boarding schools.) and this was one of the songs in our hymnal. I am pondering the Words of this beautiful song today and I am wondering why many of us suffer needlessly because we hardly ever chat with God about our lives (not all of life's trials are because we don't pray. Some come to build our faith).
I chat with God about my day. I tell him about my struggles and about the triumphs He helped me accomplish. I ask for the Holy Spirit's help to see me through this Christian life. I talk to God about the city my church is in. That people's eyes will be opened to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and that they would become established in church. I talk to God about my church. I talk to Him about my dreams and desires and I ask Him to take away the ones that are not His will and fill me up with the ones that are. And then, as I sit there just enjoying His presence, He also begins to speak to me in my spirit and He reminds me of His written Word. I get excited because my Father is not only One to listen, He answers too ! And right there as I enjoy His presence, I realize that there is no place I'd rather be.
The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,
To all who call upon Him in truth.
Psalm 145:18
I love this hymn! There is so much peace and comfort in simply going to Him with all our burdens. Great post!
Many times we pray to God about a certain situation once and when we don’t get the answer we get frustrated and bare unnecessary pain. I am learning that God is always near, so we should feel free to chat with Him about our emotions throughout the day. If we have to tell Him about that same situation five times in a day or weeks; that is okay. He can handle it.
I love that song! Have sung it MANY times. And I am a BIG believer in prayer, doing so all throughout the day. I don't know how people make it without Him, without prayer!
So glad to have found you through a friends blog.
BLessings to you~
I'm glad that God's "chat line" is always open!
Esther Joy I am glad God's chat line is always open too !
Hi Kristin, really glad you stopped by for a visit. God bless you !
Thank you for the beautiful reminder. And it's delightful to see a face from Ghana--I had a college friend from Ghana who I've lost track of, but just hearing the word plucks my heartstrings.
HI Kara ! Glad I could trigger a memory. God bless you !
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