Everyday on social media and on people's blogs I see quotes from men and women that seem to have impacted the poster in one way or another. Words are memorialized and made mantras for organizations. The world is shaped by words. It takes one news report about one commodity price falling for stock markets all over the world to tremble. Word have power ! Words make the world ! God spoke the world into being!
So why would we as Christians, having been given so much authority by God, choose to speak so carelessly ? Why are we so surprised when the words we've been uttering for years are the only things that manifest in our lives and especially words that have a negative impact on our lives and the lives of those whom we love ? I recently came to realization that, for many of us, we are so used to things not working out in our lives that we have taken a backseat to our lives, accepted whatever negative things are going on and we continually affirm them with our lips.
I believe God showed me something about a week ago. Here
it is : if you want to see certain results in your life, you are going to have
to want it bad enough to not only work at it but to continually confess it with
your lips. I want to share a little bit of that with you today. Stay with me !
1. If it is your desire to enjoy an anointed walk with
Jesus, have a happy marriage, children who love the Lord or whatever it is that
you desire, your words have an impact.
Whoever of you loves life
desires to see many good days,
keep your tongue from evil
your lips from telling lies. - Psalm
Would you like to see many good days ? The key is to keep
your tongue from speaking evil then !
2. Words are like seeds. You only enjoy the fruits of that
which you plant. If you continually plant seeds of death and gloom in your
life, you will reap just that. If you plant seeds of life, joy and peace, you
will reap likewise.
The tongue has the power of life and death,
and those who love it will eat
its fruit. - Proverbs 18:21
3. Words have the power to build or destroy. If you want
to see your marriage go downhill faster than a roller-coaster, continue
speaking badly to your spouse or even about them to others. If you want to
build your marriage, keep being your spouse's best cheerleader. It goes both
See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to
uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.’ - Jeremiah 1:10
Spiritually, how do you "uproot, tear down, destroy
or build" ? You do it with your words.
4. When difficulties arise, develop the art of encouraging yourself and the people around you in the Lord. It is easy to resort to throwing our hands up in the air and putting on a cloak of hopelessness. But I have found that it is better to run immediately to God's throne-room and pour our hearts out to Him and receive encouragement and direction than telling every person we meet of our issues. That's exactly what King David did when he and his men were hit by tragedy.
Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke
of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for
his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his
God. - 1 Samuel 30: 6
When tragedy hits, it is normal to be distressed. But it
is God's will for us not to stay there but to follow the example of David who
immediately remembered who his Strength and Strong Tower was. I have looked
myself in the mirror at times and told myself that I am going to have a great
day in spite of all the "goings-on" around me. I have quoted
Scripture to myself as I have received a negative report from the Doctor's
office. We have every right (and God gave us this right) as believers to choose
to believe in and even speak out loud the promises of God when things look
bleak. Only then do they become real. Of course, God out His mercy will
sometimes intervene despite our lack of faith but His best is for us to walk in
faith believing everything He has said in His Word.
5. Once you start speaking out God's Word and promises
concerning your life out loud, DO NOT STOP !
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful - Hebrews 10:23
Oh yes, I have had those moments when the things I am
trusting God for have not happened. Some of those things God did not want me to
have and in hindsight, I am alright with the fact that God did not let me have
those things ! But I also know that there are things you have to keep believing
God for. Salvation of a loved one, restoration of a relationship even a
breakthrough in financial hardships are areas where I believe God would like us
to keep holding fast to the confession of faith that God is able to meet the need because
He is a faithful God !
These are just some of the things that come to mind and
like you, I am training myself daily to speak and proclaim God's Word and
blessing over my life as I continue on this walk with Him. It's a lifelong
process which will only end when I take my last breath.
about you ?
steps are you taking to ensure you choose your words intentionally ?
other Bible verses do you have to share about the power of words ?
me for more fellowship on Facebook !
My husband & I were just talking with our 2 young sons about this over dinner last night. We talked about a person they know who is self-seeking and how his words are not kind to others, in that it's all about him.
Thanks for your post because we all need to be continually reminded that seeds are be planted, and we WILL reap the harvest. Maybe not today, but it is a principle of God and you will reap. I'm choosing to sow words of kindness...oh there's a scrippy for you (I love!)...what is desired in man is kindness from Prov. Sorry, can't look up at moment :)
Wow - this is a great post! We need to be so careful about what we say - Proverbs says, "In a multitude of words, sin is not absent" - so the few words we speak should be made to count.
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