
What will you regret ? {Some Ramblings from my heart}

One of my Aunties used to say to me "Gertrude, live a life of no regrets !" and I used to repeat it to my friends.
                                     "I am going to live a life of no regrets !" 
But what does "living a life of no regrets" really mean ? I was considering that this evening as I walked in from a busy day at work and had the urge to complain about life in general. I began to consider what I would regret if I don't focus on the blessings I have in life instead of on all that seems wrong and gloomy. And so I decided today that I was not going to allow my life to be ran by circumstances. Instead I am choosing to be intentional about living my life out for God to the fullest ! So I thought about things I would regret if I did not change them TODAY.

  • I will regret not being a stronger support for my husband.
  • I will regret putting my husband down with mean and condescending words when I should have built him up .
  • I will regret not taking the opportunity to see how blessed I am at this stage of my life instead of always looking ahead to so-called "better days".
  • I will regret not taking time out to smile and be happy
  • I will regret not appreciating the peace and quiet I get to enjoy at this stage in my married life (although when the babies do show up, I intend to fully enjoy them too)
  • I will regret not enjoying my time as a PhD student as tough as that can be some days !
  • I will regret not giving my all to serve Jesus wholeheartedly, the One who gave it all so I would have abundant here and in the ages to come. 
  • I will regret not finishing that devotional for young people I have been working on for almost 3 years now !
I could go on and on. But basically, in a decade (or two or three) from now, when I look back on my life, I want to see that I took every opportunity to be thankful, happy, optimistic and full of faith even in the face of stormy waters. The time to be all those things is NOW and every single day from now. 

So dear friend, those are the ramblings of my heart today.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. - Philippians 4:8
Let me ask you a question though : What will you regret in some years to come that needs changing now ? Don't just think of them. Change them.

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You are loved today and always !



Ugochi said...

Like you Gertrude, I do not want to live a life of regrets and I am going to make my own list now and start pursuing. This post did minister to me, thanks a lot for sharing. Have a super blessed day!

Gertrude N said...

Ugochi ! Yes indeed, a life of no regrets is the best. God bless you and have a super blessed day too.

Unknown said...

I'm co hosting Katherine's Corner Hop this week and came by to say Hello. I love your post. Your aunt was very smart. . I'm also your newest follower. Hope you will visit my blog and hopefully follow me also.
Angel @ sewcraftyangel.blogspot.com

Erika said...

Stopping by from That Friday Blog Hop. What a beautiful post that really shows how important it is to stay humble, and grateful.

Ceil said...

As a woman with children raised up and out of the house, I LOVE hearing you refer to your future life in decades! And two or three! Our lives can be so richly blessed if we realize that time is there as a gift.
Thank you for your encouragement today!

Helene said...

So many times when I read someone urging us to "live with no regrets" what they mean is to live a life where they do wild things in order to have an "adventure." But this is a much better interpretation of the saying. Not being the awesome people we could be-encouraging others, completing what we started-in fact that's what people regret!

Gertrude N said...

Ceil, time really is a gift and I pray that I will appreciate what time I have now. God bless you !

Mel Caldicott said...

Great post here Gertrude. Such wisdom encouraging such a great attitude to live by. Linked here from Michelle DeRusha. Blessings

Unknown said...

Dear Gertrude
They say that the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence!! This is what I would regret; if I spent my life looking over the fence and missing the beauty around me!
Much love XX