
Recognizing and Cherishing The People God Brings Into Our Lives

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I am typically a serious person (my husband says so at least twice EVERY week !). I know I am a serious person. Smiling is something I have to make a conscious effort to do even though I am almost always happy on the inside. 

One other thing I have to make a conscious effort to do is to make friends and keep relationships going. Even my report cards from elementary school always had comments like "introverted", "quiet" and a personal non-favorite, "does not mix well". Forming new relationships has never been easy for me. In fact,  my best friend (apart from my hubby) is still a girl from when I was 10 and she lives across the ocean in Africa. I hope you get my drift.

In any case, last night I was reading about the importance of recognizing people God brings into your life for specific reasons and seasons. It was amazing ! The way we relate with the people God brings into our lives can even have an effect on your success in life ! 

What examples does the Bible provide for this ? 

  1. Laban's relationship with Jacob. Although those two had some pretty rocky moments with Laban tricking Jacob and all, Laban recognized that the reason why he was so blessed was because Jacob had special favor from God (Genesis 28-30).
  2. Ruth's relationship with Naomi. When Ruth decided to go away from her pagan homeland and follow Naomi back to her home to worship the God of Israel, little did she know that she would end up a rich man's wife AND be included in the genealogy of Jesus Christ Himself ! (The Book of Ruth has the whole account).
  3. David's relationship with Jonathan. David loved Jonathan so much even though Jonathan's father had a bounty on him. Perhaps, if David had despised Jonathan and been all proud because after all he had been anointed the next King of Israel, he probably would have lost his life because Jonathan would not have been able to warn him of his father's attempts to kill David.
  4. Joseph's relationship with his co-inmates. It was the recommendation of Pharaoh's butler that eventually got Joseph released from jail and to an instantaneous promotion to a powerful ruler in Egypt.
The list could probably go on and on if we search the Bible carefully. Nonetheless, the point is very clear. God uses people to bless and enrich our lives. Our ability or inability to accept that will either make us or break us.

This is such an important lesson for people like me who are natural introverts and find it difficult to form new relationships. I don't think God wants me jumping all over the place grinning like a Cheshire cat just so I can cherish the people around me. But I do believe that God wants me to recognize that there are people He has placed in my life whose relationships I must never take for granted lest I lose the vessel of blessing that person could have imparted into my life if I had received them well. I believe it is time for me to go deeper than the "churchy" relationships that are sometimes so distant , shallow and almost fake. 

Of course, we can't have deep relationships with everyone but I really do think it is worth it for us to pray that God will help us recognize the people He brings into our lives for specific reasons and seasons so that we do not miss out on His very best for us. 

That's my lesson and I just thought I would share. 

Question 4 U

Is there a person God has used to greatly impact your life ? I would love to hear about it in the comments !

Join me on Facebook for more fellowship !

Lots of Love,


simplewithsyd said...

I believe success is defined as the will if God :-) I sure do believe that God has certain relationships that take us along that way. I have my eyes open for this! :-)

Someone God used to greatly impact my life is my friend Kim. Though she is a single mother of 6...her true commitmet spurs me on. She has a balanced life...and always preaching ans teaching....I mean to neighbors and kids...all

Cindy said...

I too am an introvert...I find that I tend to make a few deep friendships as opposed to one of my good friends who is an extrovert! Depth vs. quantity is a preference, but I do try to live my life for the Lord, regardless of the number of people around me at any one given moment...I love that He loves each of us and has created us all so uniquely!

Blessings on your weekend!

Gertrude N said...

Sydney, success is definitely defined in the will of God. Keep your eyes out for those people God is sending you way because I believe that at each stage, there is a relationship or two we will need to keep us going !Also praise God for your friend Kim. I always wonder how people with large families manage to be so balanced ! I guess God gives her grace to do it.

Thanks for stopping by. God bless you.

Gertrude N said...

Cindy, I love that God created each one of us so uniquely too. Have a wonderful weekend yourself.

Fnon said...

Thanks for sharing Gertrude. One person that has greatly impacted my life apart from my wife of course :) is my friend, cousin and Pastor; the Rev David Sackey. He has thought me life and spiritual lessons as well as I have related with him. This is Fred from blessedbizguy.com.