
Praying Like Daniel

...And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days. - Daniel 6:10

Daniel was a very important government official in his day and yet he found time to pray not once but three times a day ! Each time I think of Daniel's custom I am impressed because he was no doubt a busy person. Yet his busyness did not become an excuse for not praying. I sincerely believe that this is a great challenge to us as 21st century believers. No wonder he was so blessed to the point of being saved from being destroyed by hungry lions.

I'm pretty sure you've heard the saying "If you are too busy to pray then you are too busy". I agree. Today's post is short and the message is this : we have to pray. If there was a time we needed to pray the most it is now, TODAY. The Bible says the our enemy the devil is like a roaring lion looking for whom he might devour (1 Peter 5:8). When we pray, we halt the advances of the enemy of our souls. When we pray mighty power is made available on our behalf (James 5:16) and we step into really living with the power of God just as the people in the Bible lived ! They were ordinary people like you and I who lived extraordinary lives. I WANT AN EXTRAORDINARY LIFE !

The Bible is no myth. The miracles and stories in it are real and I have been blessed to see with my own eyes the mighty works that are brought about as a result of earnest in my own life and in the lives of people I know. The same God who caused manna to fall from heaven, parted the Red Sea, healed the sick and raised the dead is the same God we are serving today ! So why aren't we seeing more of the works we read about in Bible ? I humbly suggest that it is because a lot Christians have completely eliminated prayer out of their lives.

Let's get back to praying and keeping our minds focused on the Lord during the day. Daniel found time to pray despite being busy. You and I can find time to pray in our day. We can shut off the computer and the TV. If you are a mother with little ones, you can wake up 30 minutes before they are up to spend praying. During that afternoon nap while the kids sleep or during your lunch break, you can find a small corner to pray. Shut off the TV for one hour in the evenings and use that time to pray. We can pray my friends ! We can.

We find time to do the things that are important to us. I challenge you that when you make prayer your focus and a priority, you will find time to pray that you never thought you had !

This is the fifth instalment on a series I am doing on prayer here on the blog. Check out the other posts here !

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God bless you !!


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