
Running after God Link-up #1 !

Last week, I promised that I am introducing a new blog link-up right here on A Chosen Remnant ! And I am so glad that it is finally here !

I just have 3 rules I would like you to keep in mind as you link up.

  1. You are welcome to link-up as many posts as you want to on any topic that encourages and strengthens our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. 
  2. Please don't link up and run away. Read at least one blog post and leave the owner a comment. It will take you maybe 15 minutes and you could gain a friend for life ! 
  3. This one is not a rule at all. It's more of a request from me : I would be honored if you follow me on Facebook, Google+ or sign up for my e-mail list (two gifts await you if you do sign up to my e-mail list).  
Alright ! Here we go. Link-up party mode activated !


Cathy said...

Hi Gertrude, thanks for the opportunity to link-up here! I've added your button to my blog hop page. : )

Gertrude Nonterah said...

Thanks for linking up Rosilind ! God bless you.

Gertrude Nonterah said...

Thanks for linking up Cathy ! It's a privilege to have you here !!

Dawn said...

Following you on FB. You can find me at Journeys In Grace on FB, too. Thanks for offering the link up! Looking forward to reading more of your heart.

Gertrude Nonterah said...

Thank you Dawn ! I pray you have an amazing day.

A Little R & R said...

I am so excited to link up with you!!! Have a great day!!!