
The power of thoughts

This month I have been reading Stormie Omartian's The Power of A Praying Woman. The book has thirty chapters and each time I pick it up, I tell myself I will read one chapter a day so I can get through the book in one month. I have been unsuccessful at achieving this goal simply because this book is too powerful and anytime I lay my hands on a book such as this I have a tendency to get stuck on one chapter !

I just thought I would share a bit of what I learned today. Thoughts are a powerful thing whether we realize it or not. Jesus declared that a man could only bring out of himself the things that are stored in Him. The devil is the enemy of our souls and He wants nothing more than to get us to believe in his lies. The cardinal tool the devil has been using since the days of Adam and Eve has been and will remain deception.

...He was a murderer from the beginning...for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. - John 8:44

If Satan can hold your mind captive using his deceptive maneuvers,then he has you exactly where he wants you. "Nobody likes you". "No-one cares about you." "You know you are a failure." "Nobody will ever marry you. Women over 30 never get married." "You might as well just kill yourself because nobody even cares enough to come looking for you if you died." These were the self-deprecating thoughts that used to consume me. I lived in constant self-pity and my self-esteem was below low.

It took me recognizing that none of these statements aligned with God's Word about me to become truly free. I have learned to soak myself in the Word of God and prayer. I have learned to praise Him with intensity even on those days when the enemy would like to drag me back to that place of defeat.

You are whatever the Bible says you are and nothing less! Accept the truth of God's Word about you. Refuse what the father of lies has been telling you and live free.


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