- Have an eternal mindset. When I look at my pictures from 10 years ago, there is no doubt, that even though I am less than 30 as of today, I have aged. This aging process is going to continue and one of these days I am going to be called home. A wise person is one who has eternity in mind and lives each day fully to the Glory of God as if it could be their very last.
- Whatever you can do for the Lord, do it now. Do it ASAP. Pleasing Him today is the most important thing because tomorrow is NEVER a guarantee.
- Every season of life has its own challenges, tests and trials. You HAVE to face them head-on and rise above those challenges with prayer and the Word of God. If you try to run away from them or solve them on your own, you WILL fail. It's as simple as that and I have found this to be very true.
- Just obey God's Word. It's not always easy but it is worth it.
- In 1 Samuel 17 (the account of David and Goliath), the Bible says that the Israelite soldiers would sound the battle cry and yet when Goliath the Philistine champion would come out and threaten them they would run away and cower in fear. It took an unskilled and untrained boy called David to overcome this threat to Israel. One of the things the Lord taught me from this passage was that there are a lot of Christians in church "raising the battle cry" i.e singing about how we are over-comers in Christ and how much we love the Lord, etc; yet only a handful of us really believe what we sing about and claim we believe. David believed without a doubt that God would give him victory Goliath. He had no doubts about it. His brothers made fun of him and called him "proud" and "stubborn". God is looking for Christians who have stubborn enough faith to believe that He can do the things the world tells us is "impossible". He doesn't just want people who say "I love Jesus!". He wants people who will live it out BOLDLY.
- Be humble. I am not talking about false humility either. You know, the kind that comes out when your pastor/priest is around and you are trying to impress. God taught me about humility that comes from the heart. But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble (James 4:6). This has been the hardest lesson of all for me. However, if I am going to please God in any way at all I must be humble because the Bible declares here that God resists the proud. Imagine that ! I certainly don't want God to resist me ; life is difficult enough! So like the Apostle Paul I say : I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway (1 Corinthians 9:27). The greatest in God's sight is not the one with the largest ministry. It is the one with the most humble heart.
- Becoming great at anything involves consistency usually over a VERY long period of time. I can't be lazy and inconsistent and expect to be successful at anything.
- God has deposited gifts in me (and in you). Just like in the Parable of the Talents, one day He will ask to see the fruit of those gifts. It is in my own interest to serve God with my gifts to the best of my ability.
- Forgiveness is important ; no matter how "big" the offense. If I cannot forgive, God cannot forgive me. It is as simple as that.
- God always prepares great people in the wilderness. Great examples include Joseph, David and even Jesus Christ Himself. If you are in a "wilderness" season, don't worry. Just continue serving the Lord faithfully where you are and in due time He will lift you up.
So these are my top 10 lessons for 2012. I am sure the Lord will continue to reiterate these in my life as I walk on this narrow road of faith. How about you ? What has God taught you this year ?
Numbers 4 and 7 especially resonated with me. Thank you for sharing this post. Happy New Year!
What a great list. I have to remember number 7. It reminds me of the book Outliers - how to become good at something. Practice. The more we write - the better we get.
Wonderful list. I have been learning this year that the challenge of life is that it is every day - I know that sounds dumb, but it's true. Every day I have to decide to live for my King and hold fast to Him, every day - something so painfully easy to say, and extremely hard to live.
Thank you for sharing this!
Great list...they are all important. 5 and 6 is a great balance, boldness with humility.
Visiting from the Blog Walk... and following.
God Bless
Thanks for making this list, I almost cried reading it. It really touched my heart because I can see from your list the very same things that God is teaching me.
The point that spoke to me most was the one on humility. Humility; You can't hide this trait, people will know it and see it from your speech and actions. But it doesn't even matter what other people think, it matters what God thinks.
God help me to be humble. In order to be like Jesus, humility cannot be missing. God help us all.
Happy New Year!I love your blog. I found you through Aloha Blog Hop. Stop by and say hi if you get a minute. :)
Thank you for a this thought provoking list. my favorite is #5. Such a truth in your words!...blessings Nicole
I absolutely love this. I feel like God has taught me so much this year. Especially patience and faith. Thank you so much for sharing this!
I am a new follower via the Aloha Friday Blog Hop. Love your blog. Come on over and say hello when you can!
Hello Hope. Thanks for stopping by. I believe you can be bold AND humble. Jesus was bold. He said He was the Son of God and that He and the Father were one. That was a bold assertion ! Yet in Philippians 2:5 and following the Bible describes Jesus as being humble and obedient till death. So definitely there can be a balance between boldness and humility. Now overconfidence in oneself...that is another ball-game all together ! Haha.
Thanks once again.
Funmi, I believe all these are lessons I will learn over and over again. As for the humility, God will help us ONE DAY AT A TIME !
Hello Tasia, thank you very much for stopping by ! I stopped by your blog and saw you lived in Hawaii. I've always wondered what it might be like living there. Thanks once again.
this is great...I can so relate. 1, 2, and 9 hit home for me.Happy New Year Gertrude....wishing you His absolute best in 2013!!!!
Such a thought-provoking list! Thank you! Truly wonderful. My faves were 7 & 10. Thank God He keeps working in & through us. Blessings to you, sis!
I love your humility and your sweet thoughts, thanks for sharing. I found you on the blog hop from Let Them Eat Cake. I'm your newest follower and would love for you to check out my blog and feel free to follow back :) Happy New Year!
The Real McCoy(s)
Hi there,
Just linking around today and saw you on this post.
Blessings for the New Year.
I love this linking as I meet some of the same people. Your list is awesome.
" He wants people who will live it out BOLDLY."
That is my word for the year - LIVE. You can find it on Under the Cover of Prayer.
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