
Damaged Goods

I was 22 and my heart was broken. My beau at the time had just broken up with me and I was devastated. He was the first guy I had dated and one I had had a crush on since I was 15 years old. I could not sleep for days. I started taking sleeping pills to fall asleep. I had lost (what I thought at the time) the love of my life and I was totally broken. He later told me that he had stopped loving me a long time ago and that he had only kept up the front for over a year because he did not want to hurt me. Ouch. Talk about rubbing salt in a fresh wound.

Fast forward 2 years, I meet another guy who had been married had two kids and had gotten divorce (I know. It looks bad because it WAS bad!). He swept me off my feet with expensive gifts and dinners in places I could not afford on my own. I was naïve of course; none of those gifts were for free. Unbeknownst to me, they were coming at a price I was not willing to pay. To spare you the details, the bottom-line of this story was that Mr. Gentleman attempted to rape me. I was not having any of it. So that relationship ended. He got married to someone else just about a month later (yeah.).

Not surprisingly, both of these events did a sorry number on me. I never mentioned it openly but as far as I was concerned all men were liars who always ended up leaving you high and dry. I did not realize how entrenched this emotion was until I began to chat with a guy friend one day. I have forgotten what the specific conversation was but he had asked me a question about why I was so afraid to express my emotions to any man. With a pain-tinged voice and tears threatening, I answered, “Because they ALWAYS leave”.

There it was!
The secret was finally out. I despised the men who had left me and so I despised ALL men. The fear of being hurt again by another man bound me so strongly and I could not bring myself to express any form of emotion toward any man; even those who showed interest in me.

Does any part of my story sound familiar? Maybe it’s worse. You have suffered abuse and neglect from men you loved and looked up to. The memories haunt you each time you close your eyes and the shame of it has prevented you from ever mentioning it to anyone.

You feel alone and forgotten .You even think God has forgotten you.

I am not here to tell you to throw it out the window and forget it ever happened and that tomorrow you will wake up and the sun will shine and there will be rainbows in the sky.

I am here to tell you that there is a Healer and His Name is Jesus Christ.

He has healed me of emotional and psychological damage and He can heal YOU. He loves you relentlessly and will NEVER FORGET YOU!

Will you take the first step towards your healing today and simply ask the Healer to come in and take care of the mess you are in?

He did it for me and He can do it for you.
To be continued.


Anonymous said...

I can relate to the part where you stated that the guy kept up a front because he was scared to hurt you. The fact that he stayed in the relationship, despite the fact that he no longer loved you, probably made the breaking up hurt more.

In times like that, all one can do is just let go and surrender all the pains to God. I mean, He alone can restore and bring to us, a true man of God, ordained by God for us.

Thanks for sharing your story! :)

Wife, Then Mama said...

Although this story doesn't really resonate with me (I married the first guy I was in a long term relationship with) it is very well written and i enjoyed reading it :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this story with us, this is the one of the many reasons why I love the blog world. I love meeting women like you that I might not meet on a every day basis, this is a priviledge for me because I have once wished that I could people like that I could relate to. I never knew it was going to be through the internet at all at all.

I have been through something similar to yours. As a matter of fact, nowadays I judge guys my the way they look. With one glance, I can tell if this one will hurt me or not. Guess what, I haven't met one that won't hurt me. Even without them showing any interest in me, I already make the assumption that they are not the 'one'. God have mercy on me. I realize that I need to be open and allow God to finish His work in me, because I can't keep going like this and expect to be married one day. I can't believe I just typed that but it is the truth.

Thanks for sharing.

Mindy @ New Equus - A New Creation said...

Gertrude this is beautiful! What an inspiring and transparent testimony! I'm so glad that you linked this up this week. I can't wait to read the "to be continued" part! Please make sure you link it up, too! Blessings!

Ronda @ Following Our Leader said...

Gertrude ~ I found you at New Equus Link up. Thanks for sharing - you are so right, we have a loving Father who "heals all our hurts and binds up all our wounds." God bless ~

ReviewsSheRote said...

I'm stopping by with The Saturday Morning Coffee Hop, it is wonderful that you can open up here--Hopefully your story will help others.

Unknown said...

Beautiful post Gertrude. I think that when we experience hurt like yours & have difficulty moving forward it stems from a deeper place; sometimes childhood. The beauty is found in learning to love Jesus, because He teaches us to love ourselves. And that's when we love ourselves enough to let someone else truly love us, instead of use us. New follower from the Friendly Friday Hop.


Jess Is Moore said...

GREAT POST! Hello, I'm Jessica from Blogging While Single and I'm a new follower. I love this and can't wait to read more. Please feel free to visit and follow as well. www/bloggingwhilesingle.com

Patricia @ The TT DIaries said...

This is an absolutely awesome post. I have been hurt in some of the same ways. I know Jesus and know the healing only He can offer. I am your newest follower from the weekend blog walk.

SaraSherrell.com said...

Visiting from Friendly Friday. The I fell out of love is painful, words that really could go unsaid ever. God is an amazing God though, isn't He?

Lori Hatcher said...

You are wise and brave to share your story. Even braver to share the hope that a relationship with the love of our lives brings. You are a gem that's sparkling for him :)Christmas blessings from Be Not Weary today!

Gertrude N said...

God bless you Lori. Merry Christmas from my heart to yours!

Gertrude N said...

Yes is He an amazing God ! Thanks for stopping by Sara. God bless you and have a very beautiful Monday.

Gertrude N said...

Hi Patricia. Thank you so much for stopping by ! I appreciate and I want to say a big God bless you ! Have a beautiful MOnday.

Covenant Grace said...

You have shared a remarkable story - one that is familiar to so many women. God has allowed you to live through it and come forth to tell your story. Your story is a true testimony, and it serves as a reminder that our God is not only a healer, but HE is a waymaker and HE can do all things but fail!

Jamie said...

Gertrude, thank you for being so open about your life and what God is doing in it! Ive been there. With finding love in all the wrong places and then some. Isn't it so AMAZING that God redeems us? He carries our bags and bags of baggage for us?!?! I love that about Him. <3

Nicole | Pharr Away said...

Gertrude thank you for sharing like this, I'm sure that had to be so difficult. God is SO awesome and I hope your testimony reaches those that need it and encourages others to tell their story too. I'm hoping to gain the courage to share more of my testimony on my blog as well in the coming weeks. Thanks again for being an example of courage.

If interested, stop by and see my Generous Givers tab (giving / growing through blogging) and participate if you'd like!

Gertrude N said...

Wow. Thank you all for the nice comments and the conversation. God bless you all !

Chris said...

Hi Gertrude, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris