
My Book - Reign in Life

Today has been a slightly slow day for me. I am motivated to do pretty much NOTHING ! I somehow did manage to fold our laundry and get the bedroom straightened up but that has been about it. Low energy.   I never like that feeling. But anyway since I am still alive and Jesus still loves me, I am grateful !

So today I just decided to tell you about my book Reign in Life.  Reign in Life came about as a result of my own life struggles and what God thought me through that season of life. Have you ever had a season of life where nothing seems to work ? Everything seems against you and you just don't even know why ? Well, I wrote this book out of that experience and out of the things I believe God taught me during that season of my life. It's easy book to read (No big theological questions ! Just me chatting with you.)

I am offering the first 2 chapters of the book for free as a download via e-mail. I do not mean to trump my own horn and I do not claim to know it all, but I think that this book will challenge you to reach for intimacy with Jesus Christ and move you into the next phase of your spiritual life. So if you haven't already, just enter your first name and your e-mail in the box to the right hand side of this page letting me know if you would like to  receive the first 2 chapters of Reign in Life !

NOTE: If you sign up for the chapters and do not see it in your inbox within 24 hours, please check your spam. 

A full print-version of the book is available for order through lulu.com . Get one for yourself and get one for someone going through a difficult season of life as a Christmas gift. You will be blessed and they will be utterly blessed as well.

I really do hope you are enjoying your weekend ! God bless you and have a very happy Sunday ! 

Oh and lest I forget, how about some refreshing music before Sunday church, huh ? Haha.

For more fellowship join me on Facebook or Twitter .
Lots of love,


Michell Pulliam said...

Congrats on your book! I know of a few ladies this would be a blessing to. Thanks for sharing, I'll pass it on. Have a blessed day!;-)

Gertrude N said...

Thanks Michell ! Absolutely pass it on. Let's keep encouraging and building each other up in the faith. God bless you today too.

Anonymous said...

I read a sneak peak of your book on lulu and it was amazing. You are a talented writer, great things are coming your way.

Gertrude N said...

Oh Funmi my dear, a big Amen to that. I do pray and believe that it will touch lives. Thanks for the encouragement. :D

Rosilind Jukic said...

Congrats on your book!!! What a great idea for Christmas. Thank you for linking this post up!

Unknown said...

i love stopping by this little space of yours. thanks for the sweet perspective.

Thank you so very much for joining us for An Aloha Affair last week. How sweet it was to end the month together.

Our beautiful December team has gathered and we are so excited to invite you to join us for... An Aloha Affair. Come mingle and grow with us, you are always welcome. Always.


Anonymous said...

Found you through WWLW link-up and looking forward to following you! Love the post!