
Living Life On Your Knees {A Series on Prayer} - Coming Soon

On Facebook this week, I had posted that I would be doing a series on prayer. I am really excited to do this series because it there is just so much to know about praying and especially , praying right. Trust me, I will be learning just as much as you if not even more. So don't be intimidated !

Today I simply wanted to come on here and give an outline on how the posts for this series will go. Here's a tentative one I came up with, in case you would like to stick around and learn how YOU can pray as effectively as any of the powerful men or women of God we read about in the Bible. The goal at the end of this series is that each of us would be equipped to enter into the throne-room of Heaven.

  1. 5 Excellent Reasons Why You Should Pray
  2. 3 Conditions You Must Fulfill to Receive Answered Prayer 
  3. Persistent Prayer Vs. One-time Prayer : which one should you be doing ?
  4. Using the Lord's Prayer as a guide
  5. Praying Like Daniel
  6. The Prayers of the Apostle Paul
  7. Praying for Leadership
  8. Praying for Your Family
  9. Praying Concerning Your Finances
  10. Praying for the Lost

I am totally excited and I pray that you will join me as we delve into the Word of God and learn all about prayer.

You are loved relentlessly by a powerful Savior !


Join me on Facebook for daily fellowship in the Word of God. 

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