
More hearers than doers. Which one are you ?

It seems to me that we have a lot of people looking to be inspired, encouraged and empowered but very few people who are willing to do anything about the inspiration, encouragement and empowerment they receive.

That's the thought that occurred to me about 2 days ago. I am one of those people and in all honesty, I am working to change that. Where are the "doers" ? Are we becoming a generation of people who love to sit down and listen to inspirational figures and leave with a warm, fuzzy feeling inside only to walk through the doors of our homes and forget everything we heard ? Same thing happens in church and with the Word doesn't it ? Many of us know the Word of God in our heads but do VERY little of it citing "I am human" or "We all have our weaknesses" as excuses.

On my way back from a conference during the early part of this week, I decided that there were a number of things in my spiritual, financial and health lives that needed to absolutely change. As I examined the different aspects it was very clear to me that I already knew what I needed to do to make those changes a reality. The problem was that I was not putting them into practice. It was actually kind of terrifying to me and I've decided that enough is enough.

What needs to change in your life ? I am about 95% sure that you already have that information. Now what to do ? TAKE ACTION. Start doing something. An apple a day keeps the doctor away ; but you can't eat 7 apples on Monday and decide you are good for the week. You are going to practically eat one apple per day. It follows - those seemingly "little" steps you are taking everyday will eventually add up and lead to the change you are looking for. Don't despise the little steps ! From today, decide to be a DOER.

You are loved !

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